Emergency Info
- Emergency Numbers: 100 or 617-253-1212
- Emergency meeting place is in front of Building 68
- Radioactivity records are in hallway
- Emergency response contacts are in red & white flip charts near phones
- Formal surprise safety inspections every 6 months
Safety Info
- Hoods
- Eyewash/eyewash bottles: Near every sink
- Safety showers: In every room
- Spill kits and fire extinguishers
- No eating, drinking or applying cosmetics.
- Four foot clearance in hallways at all times
- Floor plans depicted in every room + evacuation route
Labeling and Storing Materials
- Clear labels on all bottles
- Caps on containers should be tight when not in use
- No floor storage unless within secondary container (gray bins)
- Avoid storing non-compatible containers together
Biohazard Waste
- Solids (e.g. bacterial plates)
- Biohazard waste containers
- Fill out/attach yellow sticker when full
- Tie up and leave in designated areas
Liquid Waste
- Liquids (e.g. human cells, bacteria)
- Small volumes – biohazard waste okay
- Large volumes – sit in bleach 10 minutes → dispose in sink
Empty Bottles
- Empty bottles (e.g. methanol)
- Rinse with water, cross out label → dispose
- No airing allowed
Liquid Chemical Waste
- Store in designated containers in Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA)
- Only one container per waste type permitted
- Designate by filling out Red Card: Fill out date only when waste container is full. When full, see above for pick-up (w/in 3 days)
- Must be kept in secondary container (gray bins)
- Non-compatible waste must be kept separate
Radioactive Waste
- Designated liquid and solid waste disposal areas
- Fill out records by containers
- Sharps container labeled with red biohazard sticker
- Pickup Thursday morning
Biological Hazards
- Tissue Culture: only BL2 facility in lab (all other rooms BL1)
- Use of human cell lines
- Use of ecotropic retroviruses and non-oncogenic lentiviruses
- Lab equipment: Lab coats and gloves when working with human cells
Chemical Hazards
- Flammable solvents
- Nonflammable solvents
- Permissible exposure limits (OSHA)/Threshold Limit Values (ACGIH) – see MSDS
- Acids & Bases: Kept separate in secondary containers in acids/bases cabinet
Radioactive Hazards
- Materials locked when not in use
- Personal protective equipment – lab attire, shields
- **Survey before and after procedure – Geiger counters (P32), wipe tests
- Waste – see Waste Management Practices
Building, Equipment, or Temperature Issue
- Call F-I-X-I-T, 617-253-4948
- Start a work order on SAPweb. Under "Building Services" tab, click on "Repairs: Buildings" and cc abhughes@mit.edu
- Contact Barry Hughes: 617-253-3168, abhughes@mit.edu
Glass Washers, Autoclaves, & Bio-Safety Cabinets
- Contact Barry Hughes with room #, serial #, and description of the problem.
- Barry's backup: Sarah Hufford, 617-324-2347, shufford@mit.edu
A/V or Computer Issues